Does Zero Water Remove Fluoride? Complete 2024 Analysis

Last updated Feb 15, 2024

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Does Zero Water remove fluoride? This is a very interesting question with a very interesting answer. This week, we’ve taken a deep dive down the rabbit hole to see what we could find out about ZeroWater. It’s been an unusual journey that’s taught us a lot more about water filtration products, the companies that sell them, and the marketing pitches people will use to sell their products.

does zerowater remove fluoride

In this article, we not only answer the question: “Does ZeroWater remove fluoride?” We go beyond a simple yes or no to help you attain a deeper understanding of this product in a lot less time than we spent researching it to find the answer. At this point, you already know that the answer is not a simple yes or no.

Let’s start by looking at ZeroWater’s marketing angle.

The ZeroWater Sales Pitch

ZeroWater is convincing consumers that its water is pure because once the water passes through the filter, it has a 0 TDS reading. The company even throws in a cheap TDS meter for the buyer to confirm that their water is 0 TDS water.

During our analysis, we encountered numerous reports written by ZeroWater drinkers. They’re convinced that a cheap TDS meter measures water quality and purity. Furthermore, they assume that since the TDS reading is 0 that ZeroWater pitchers remove all fluoride.

The Major Flaw in the Sales Pitch

To put it lightly, a cheap TDS meter that measures in 1-ppm increments cannot accurately measure fluoride content in water. Basic TDS meters are inherently inaccurate at both the high and low ends of the spectrum. The meter may read 0, however, the meter isn’t capable of reading in parts per billion, nor is it 100% accurate.

Now for the most interesting part of the story that will really open your eyes up to the reality of fluoride removal. A study measured fluoride levels in bottled water and tap water. The researchers collected tap water samples in Arizona. The average fluoride level for the homes equaled just .49 ppm with a maximum ppm reading of 1.1.

A TDS meter that reads in 1-ppm increments won’t detect fluoride levels below 1 ppm, and most tap water doesn’t have 1 ppm of fluoride to start. This is also assuming that the meter is 100% accurate. To accurately measure fluoride levels and % reduction, one needs to use more expensive and sophisticated lab equipment than the TDS meter included with the ZeroWater pitcher.

Does a Zero Water filter remove fluoride?

According to ZeroWater’s US website, its filters have been “independently” tested by an EPA-certified lab to reduce 99% of fluoride. While this sounds great, ZeroWater does not post the lab test results on its website. Strangely enough, ZeroWater’s UK website displays a 41% reduction in fluoride on its ZeroWater vs Brita page. So which is it, 41% or 99%?

Do we think ZeroWater filters remove fluoride? Yes, we believe ZeroWater filters reduce fluoride, much the same way as any water filter that contains ion-exchange resin. What we don’t like is the lack of company transparency and the questionable marketing tactic that leads people to believe that 0 TDS water is the Holy Grail of water.

For these reasons and others, we don’t recommend Zero Water filters.

An Interesting Comparison

Imagine this for a second. Say a fast-food company wants to cut costs by putting less meat on the bun and replacing the meat with lettuce. Then, they turn around and tell people that they can lose weight by eating their new low-carb burger that’s actually just a burger with less meat and more lettuce.

What ZeroWater did is load up its filter with ion-exchange resin to achieve its 0 TDS reading. Then, they realized they could sell this idea by convincing people that 0 TDS water is healthier for them and purer.

The reality of the situation is that a TDS meter can’t detect organic contaminants such as algae, fungi, and other harmful microorganisms. On top of that, the ion-exchange resin is a great breeding ground for bacteria, hence the short filter life.

Yes, the ZeroWater filter removes fluoride, but you’re relying on ZeroWater’s word for the actual reduction rate.

Does Zero Water remove chlorine?

You may also be wondering whether the ZeroWater filter effectively removes chlorine. Yes, it does a great job of removing chlorine from your tap water. ZeroWater filters remove 97.5% of chlorine. If your water provider treats its water with chloramine, the ZeroWater filter does remove chloramine as well.

The problem is filtering chloramine shortens the already short filter life. The main problem with ZeroWater is the short filter life. The filter works, yes, but you may be replacing it weekly if you plan to use it every day.

ZeroWater Alternatives

Are you interested in better alternatives to ZeroWater? Our list of best fluoride water filter pitchers is the perfect resource. Here are the advantages of these pitchers over ZeroWater:

  • Longer filter life up to 200 gallons compared to the 25 to 40-gallon filter life of ZeroWater filters
  • The filters leave essential minerals intact for better-tasting, healthier water
  • Filters made in the USA
  • Public lab test results that show fluoride reduction rates
  • Alkaline water filter pitcher options since demineralized water such as ZeroWater is normally somewhat acidic

Aside from pitchers, you may also be interested in a superior alkaline reverse osmosis water filtration system:

zero water alternative pitcher
zero water alternative reverse osmosis
Our Zero Water vs Reverse Osmosis Comparison explains in greater detail why we prefer reverse osmosis over ZeroWater.

Bottom Line

Does Zero Water remove fluoride? The answer to the question is yes, ZeroWater filters reduce fluoride. By how much, no one knows for sure until ZeroWater posts its lab test results. Are there better, more affordable options for removing fluoride? Yes.

We prefer real lab results over a company’s word for it. Considering ZeroWater is selling the idea that 0 TDS water is the ultimate water, we don’t like buying into the thought that their filters remove 99% of fluoride because they say so. On top of that, the discrepancy on the UK website that states a 41% reduction in fluoride is worth nothing.

In reality, fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral, and tap water levels are typically well below the EPA’s secondary standard of 2 ppm. Also, your water may not be fluoridated. The CDC provides a helpful resource that allows residents in participating states to check the fluoride levels in their area.

We recommend using the CDC tool by clicking here before you invest in a water filter because you may not have fluoridated water in your area. If you discover that your tap water is fluoridated, the tool allows you to check exactly how much fluoride is in your local water supply.

You may also be interested in our comparison:

ZeroWater vs Brita vs PUR

Until next time, cheers!